For my birthday, Oscar gave me a wonderful evening at the Met to see “La Traviata.” This was my first time at the Met and my first time at the opera, so basically I’m spoiled forever. The venue was stunning and the production was simply gorgeous. If this is what my birthdays are going to be like from now on, I can’t wait to get older. 🙂
Speaking of things that start with m-e-t, the METS had a great season opener on Sunday against the Cards. I am so psyched for baseball this year. This team is going to be really exciting to watch.
Last night my darling cousin Tamara treated us all to a sumptuous Passover feast. Her matzah ball soup was sublime, the brisket was like butter, and the flourless chocolate cake was an absolute triumph. Next year at Tamara’s!
Heading to the Berkshires for a little R&R before starting my new web design job. Four days at a bed and breakfast with outlet shopping nearby? Even the gloomy weather forecast can’t rain on this parade.